Friday, May 25, 2007

Kabuki and Maiko Debut

Yesterday I went to Kabuki at Zokei University of Art and Design's theater. My friend Nakamura Ganosuke got my wife and I 8th row seats next to the hanamichi. There were at least 15 geiko/maiko from Miyagawa-cho and at least 20 from Gion Kobu. The main act was Sakata Tojuro's "Yoshidaiya", a role that he is very used to doing. Of course it was done to perfection. With the the "kakegoe" the numberous geiko/maiko in attendance, it was a true "kabuki" experience. Also yesterday in Miyagawa-cho, Fukue made her "misedashi" (debut). She was born and raised in Miyagawa-cho, her real name being Shiho. She is 15. Of course running an establishment in Miyagawa-cho, I was obligated to show my congratulations by hiring her (aisatsubana) and offering the congratulatory envelope. Being born in Miyagawa-cho, I have the greatest hopes and expectations that she becomes a top maiko.